The Lighted Christmas Parade is Back again!

This year's parade theme is Musical Notes and Holiday Floats - The Sounds of Christmas

What to expect -

This year's lighted Christmas Parade will be held on Tuesday, November 28th at 6:00 pm in Downtown Augusta.

We currently have about 20 floats participating in this event!  I can't wait to see all of the entries this year!  But the parade is not the only thing happening that evening.  Tuesday the 28th is the Kickoff to our holiday season!  

Before the parade - make sure you stop into the Augusta Arts Center to pick up your Christmas popcorn to enjoy during the parade - available from 5pm - 6pm.  After the parade - the Augusta Middle School Choir will be singing Christmas Carols at the Roundabout - feel free to sing along!   Santa and his real reindeer will depart at the Augusta Historical Museum where he will collect the Christmas lists from the kiddo's and hear what they are wishing for this Christmas.  Once you have visited with Santa - make sure to enjoy some warm hot cocoa and cookies provided by the Augusta Lions Club right outside the cabin.  Don't forget to visit Santa's reindeer as well!  

Tips to make your evening more enjoyable.

There are several things you can do to make your night more enjoyable.  
First - the parade will start promptly at 6:00 pm - so you don't want to be late!
Second - Don't try to park or drive in the 600 block of School Street or the lot east of the depot.  This is where we have all of the parade line up and it gets tight and crazy.  Avoid this area at all costs and it will save you some stress.  We have a lot of children, trucks, tractors, trailers and live animals arranged in this area so it can get pretty hectic.
There is plenty of parking downtown if you just know where to look.  Check out the side streets and other public parking lots behind businesses.  
Third - When you and the kiddo's are visiting Santa - you will only be allowed one photo with him.  Please be respectful of everyone else and don't try to have your family photos taken at that time.  (Hey - It's happened before!)  Non-compliance with this request will result in being put on the naughty list and a lump of coal in your stocking.

Lastly - we want nothing more than for you to enjoy an evening with family and a few hundred of your closest friends!

Originally posted by Go! Augusta via Locable
Go! Augusta

Go! Augusta

618 State street
Augusta, KS 67010

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 8:00am- 3:00pm
Fri 8:00am-12:00pm