Lori Parkey with Family Affair Creations

The spotlight is on Lori Parkey with Family Affair Creations

Catch Family Affair Creations on their Facebook page. Family Affair Creations.

Lori opened her store in February of this year making her one of our newest merchants to the downtown area. In her store there is something for everyone. If you're lucky she may have fun games for you to play and win awesome prizes. If you're really lucky you can try her STELLAR popcorn!

What inspires you?

Lori draws inspiration from her mom, especially regarding her business. She says, “My mom always wanted to open a craft store with me. She would have loved to sit and knit while talking to others.” While her mother has since passed away, Lori continues to be inspired by her daily in the store.

Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names?

Lori has three doggies at home: Jax, Thomas Sawyer, and Huckleberry Finn. We will definitely have to stop by her store again because we need to see pictures of her cute furry friends!

What is something random that you can't live without at work?

Lori LOVES her energy drinks at work. Her favorite energy drink is Accelerator. "Although I like the drinks' taste, I started drinking them because that is the energy drink that Travis Kelce drinks."

What is a favorite or unusual memory at work? Or favorite customer quote?

Her favorite customer interaction so far was when a customer brought in flowers shortly after she had opened her business. What was so special about this kind gesture was that she had never met this person before, and the flowers they brought her were orange tulips, her favorite color.

Originally posted by Main Street Chillicothe via Locable
Main Street Chillicothe

Main Street Chillicothe

514 Washington Street
Chillicothe, MO 64601-2524

Tue, Wed, Thu 1:00pm- 5:00pm
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am-12:00pm