Holly Ropp with The Skin Studio

Downtown Spotlight
Our downtown is an amazing place to eat, work, play and stay thanks to the dedicated community members that are leaving their mark. Now, it’s time to stand up and be recognized.
This week the spotlight is on Holly Ropp with The Skin Studio! Holly’s journey into skincare started with one of those famous “lightbulb moments” —you know, the kind where something just clicks! After watching a skincare commercial, she realized this was exactly what she wanted to do. As someone who struggled with acne as a teen, Holly felt a personal connection to helping others feel great in their own skin. Now, through facials and other skincare treatments, she’s on a mission to give her clients that same confidence boost.

Check out her spotlight below

What’s something you can't live without at work?
Coffee! Holly’s workdays are fueled by a good ol’ cup of joe. Whenever there’s a lull between clients, she’s brewing up a fresh pot. She’s also big on setting the right vibe with music in her office. Nothing like a good playlist to keep things running smoothly!

If you could go back to your first day of work, what advice would you give?
With years of experience as an esthetician, Holly’s advice to her younger self would be: "Do what’s in your heart and see it through." Wise words from someone who’s been there and done that!

Do you have any pets?
Oh, just a few! Holly and her husband run Valley View Shepadoodles, where they raise the fluffiest bundles of joy—Shepadoodles! She has a dog named Tater Tot (yes, like the snack), several horses, and a cat who goes by the name Panda. Clearly, Holly’s home is equal parts cuddles and adventure!

What's an interesting fact about you?
Holly kicked off her dance career at 18 during college, with dreams of going pro. And she did just that! She became a Chiefs cheerleader from 2011-2012. According to Holly, “Being a cheerleader is a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of fun!”
Originally posted by Main Street Chillicothe via Locable
Main Street Chillicothe

Main Street Chillicothe

514 Washington Street
Chillicothe, MO 64601-2524

Tue, Wed, Thu 1:00pm- 5:00pm
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am-12:00pm